Welcome to the CHMS PTO!

This is a great portal of information to find news about upcoming events, access to the family directory, and a listing of important district links. You will also be able to visit the forms section to register for the PTO, purchase spirit lunch, request a PTO check reimbursement or buy a family brick to place in our school entryway.  


The PTO sends a weekly update email with important dates and upcoming events each Sunday, to make sure you are receiving that newsletter, be sure to verify your information here.


Be sure to download the Membership Toolkit Mobile App.

LAST CHANCE! Order Heart Shaped Take N' Bake Pizzas!

Choose from heart-shaped pizza, salads, and an array of toppings like cheese, pepperoni, veggies and more. All orders due by MONDAY, February, 10th.

Pickup will be on Thursday, February 13th at CHMS 4:00pm - 4:30pm.

**If you are unable to pick your pizza up during this time, please make arrangements for someone pick up for you!!!**

The CHMS PTO wants to show ALL our amazing CHMS Staff how much we appreciate them by giving every staff member one Home Run Inn Heart Shaped Cheese Take 'N Bake Pizza. Home Run Inn is generously selling these pizzas at cost. Any funds raised beyond the cost of one pizza per staff member will be donated to the CHMS PTO General Fund. Please donate HERE!


Chess Club starts Wed. Feb. 19 for both CHMS and HMS students

Join us starting Wednesday Feb. 19th from 4:45-6:00pm at HMS for Middle School Chess Club!

  • Learn Fun New Chess Tactics, Strategies, and Openings 
  • Sharpen your skills and raise your game to the next level! 
  • Try a week free. Email Paul@IlliniosChessTeachers.com 
  • Meetings and instruction supervised by ICT Founder, Paul Raso (USCF blitz rated 2203, chess.com, 2597, LiChess.org rating 2650)
  • Beginners and experienced players welcome

The Details:

  • Wednesdays at HMS: 4:45pm - 6:00pm
  • 8 weeks: 2/19, 2/26, 3/5, 3/12, 3/19, 3/26, 4/9, 4/16
  • Register online: $199 activity fee
  • More info: www.IllinoisChessTeachers.com

Save the Date: March General PTO Meeting

Please save the date for our next PTO General Meeting on Wednesday, March 19th at 10:00am at Tierra Distilling Co. & Cafe. 

Enjoy coffee, tea, specialty coffees and light breakfast bites while hearing school updates from Dr. Brown, as well as current PTO projects and upcoming events.

*Please note, we will be filling 2025/26 PTO board positions and committee chair roles shortly; if you are interested in getting involved and have questions or want to hear more, you are encouraged to attend!

Thank you to all the families who contributed to Stock the Lounge!

A huge THANK YOU to everyone who dropped off snacks and drinks for our wonderful CHMS teachers and staff. They were so excited about the three lounges being fully stocked :)

Coming Soon: D181 CSCI Climate Survey

The D181 2024-25 CSCI climate survey will be open on Tuesday, February 18, 2025. 

Families will receive a link to complete the survey via email that day. Staff will complete the survey during a staff meeting, and students (grades 4-8) will complete the survey during school.

This annual survey is not only a requirement for all school districts in the state but also an opportunity to share how we're performing as a school district with audiences near and far.

Participation from parents, teachers, and students is crucial to ensure we get a valuable snapshot of D181's school climate. All survey results are anonymous, as responses are reported directly to the National School Climate Center before being made available to the District and public.

Helpful Tips and Tricks:

  • If you elect to skip a question or a question does not apply, please select “Does Not Apply”. Please DO NOT leave any questions unanswered.
  • Survey should take up to 15 mins.

For more information, visit https://www.d181.org/departments/communications.


Hinsdale Central Girls Basketball this Thursday, Feb. 13th at 7pm

It's Village Night! A fun community event at Hinsdale Central High School.

In addition to some great basketball by the top ranked Red Devil team, there will be a DJ, face painting and much more - including an awesome pregame starting lineup event that will bring you goosebumps! 

Come cheer on CHMS alums Maya Gin, Sascha Mokhtarian, Katie Coffey, Andi Lynch and Aryana Tucke as they lead the Red Devil attack. 

It's a night you won't forget as we celebrate our vibrant Village! Go Eagles and Go Red Devils!

Order Heart Shaped Take N' Bake Pizzas!

Choose from heart-shaped pizza, salads, and an array of toppings like cheese, pepperoni, veggies and more. Order by MONDAY, February, 10th.

Pickup will be on Thursday, February 13th at CHMS 4:00pm - 4:30pm.

**If you are unable to pick your pizza up during this time, please make arrangements for someone pick up for you!!!**

The CHMS PTO wants to show ALL our amazing CHMS Staff how much we appreciate them by giving every staff member one Home Run Inn Heart Shaped Cheese Take 'N Bake Pizza. Home Run Inn is generously selling these pizzas at cost. Any funds raised beyond the cost of one pizza per staff member will be donated to the CHMS PTO General Fund. Please donate HERE!

Save the Date: March General PTO Meeting

Please save the date for our next PTO General Meeting on Wednesday, March 19th at 10:00am at Tierra Distilling Co. & Cafe. 

Enjoy coffee, tea, specialty coffees and light breakfast bites while hearing school updates from Dr. Brown, as well as current PTO projects and upcoming events.

*Please note, we will be filling 2025/26 PTO board positions and committee chair roles shortly; if you are interested in getting involved and have questions or want to hear more, you are encouraged to attend!

D181 New Student Registration

D181 registration for the 2025-2026 school year is just around the corner!

More information for NEW Students, Preschool and Kindergarten registration will be sent to families from the district on February 3rd.

Current student registration opens March 3rd.

Questions? Please contact communicationsdepartment@d181.org

Last Call! Community Speaker Series Event THIS WEEK!

Last call! Please join us THIS WEEK for the Community Speaker Series winter events at The Community House. 

We are thrilled to welcome internationally renowned educational psychologist and award-winning author, Dr. Michele Borba.

Come for the expertise and stay for the refreshments! Kramer Foods will provide treats on Wednesday evening, and Cafe LaFortuna will provide coffee on Thursday morning. 

We appreciate our community partners and look forward to connecting with our parent community!


Thanks to the generous support of D181 and D86, the CSS events are free and open to all.

  • Register HEREWednesday evening session, 2/5, 7:00-8:30pm

  • Register HEREThursday morning session, 2/6, 9:00-10:30am

Hope to see you there!


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Join a Club Today! 


Extracurriculars Start - Sept. 21 (3:15pm - 4:00pm)


Available Clubs and Activities


Buses are available Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday at 4:15pm



2024/25 PTO Executive Board



Elaine Chen Gilman & Susie Thorpe

Co-Vice Presidents: 

Megan Brotschul & Gaby Garcia

Treasurer: Julie Prieto

Asst. Treasurer: Margie Jeffords
VP Communications: Mira Coleman
Recording Secretary: Julie Kauffman

Webmaster/ToolKit: Corrine Natarelli